Sunday, May 26, 2013

Rabbithole Coffee: Hong Kong...

Rabbithole coffee

Whenever we are travelling, there is the search for good coffee.  You get sick of the watery instant coffee that is often provided in the hotel room very quickly.  With so much to see and do in Hong Kong, we needed to keep our caffeine levels up so we were super pleased to find Rabbithole Coffee very close to our hotel in Wan Chai.

These guys are speciality coffee... that is pretty much all they do, coffee and a couple of croissants, which are pretty tasty too.  On our first visit, we had a cold coffee, an ice drip to be exact.  The coffee itself was amazing, we had the choice of 3 different coffee bean blends but it was the presentation was outstanding!

Our coffee arrived in a small carafe with a whiskey type glass and ice ball!  As you all know, I adore ice balls and sampling this coffee cold over an ice ball was perfect.  The ice ball didn't dilute the coffee with extra water!

We have been back a couple of times for cafe lattes and espressos and each time the coffee and service has been outstanding.  A little slice of coffee heaven in Hong Kong.  One of the funniest parts of our visit was chatting to one of the baristas only to learn he had spent a year in Melbourne at a cafe we knew of!  Small world!

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